The McDonald’s Conspiracy…

There have been a few titles for this stories, instead of deleting them like usual, I decided to add them all –

Banalities of Life
The Golden Double Arch Mystery
Lunch-break-thoughts of an office clerk
The Mc Files

Every now and then I visit McDonalds, or the “American Embassy”, as I tend to call it, during my lunch break . Today, once again my addiction for fat and fast food took over and my stomach called for some French Fries, Diet Coke and a Hamburger Royal TS (quarter pounder), my standard meal. It’s like a recorded message when I place my order. It’s almost ridiculous on how standardized the procedure has become for me.

Today I noticed something that has never occurred to me before. My college and I went to McDonalds half an hour earlier then usual, to prevent a queue. Unfortunately there were already people waiting in line, I assume due to the fact that only two counters were open. While I was standing in line I watched the huge pictures of salads, different kind of burgers and various side-orders. I decided to add a tuna salad to my standar meal. No big deal to add “and the tuna salad” to my tape-like standard order.

At that very moment I had this strange thought if McDonalds is actually interested in having people stand in line? Making us watch those huge pictures of food for a few minutes to increase sales? If I just walk in to an empty counter, I probably wouldn’t have thought of adding the extra salad. By spending some extra time, thinking of how delicious the salads on the picture look I changed my mind.

Well, if that is indeed the plan and I’m light-brainwashed into spending more money on fast food then I intended to, I might should quit fast food for good. (Just kidding…)