Women can fake an orgasm…

…men can fake an entire relationship. Well, I would like to add my own point of view to that saying. But before I go any further, I advice people who are younger then 18 years to not read any further. Not because I use bad language or this article is offensive, but because I don’t want to get in trouble with parents who’s kids read the following lines and start asking them questions.

So – really over 18? Please proceed!

Recently I had a very funny and interesting conversations with a friend, an avid female cosmopolitan reader, about a very delicious topic. Faking an orgasm. She was kind of proud of herself because she could fake “it” very well and that no boyfriend ever noticed the difference. She even mentioned that Cosmo and other magazines were a good source on how to learn tricks for faking it…

First of all, a woman who fakes an orgasm because she is afraid of his reaction if she does not get of like Meg Ryan in “Harry and Sally”, should rethink her relationship. Honestly, if a men expects the big O every time, the woman should give him a wake up call. Humans are not machines, and therefore, can’t deliver the same result every time . If the woman thinks he could do better, she should have a word with him on how to improve, instead of complaining to her girlfriends the next day. But if a woman does not feel pressure to fake it, and just wants to make him feel good and if men can’t tell the difference anyway, what is all the fuzz about? Ok – maybe Cosmo(politan) would only be a 80 page magazine instead of 160…

But the discussion with my friend did not end there. If a men does get off, he must have had a good time – hence that she must have done a good job. My friend thinks so – and I guess many women have the same conclusion. Maybe there are women out there that even look at faking the big O as an advantage over men. I admit that men can not fake the biological reaction (at least no one I know) but men are capable of faking emotions just like women. Usually, a generally euphoric sensation is associated with orgasm. So while a men actually might have a biological reaction, it can still mean that he is faking the emotional part – for various reasons. (For example – to make her think that she has done a good job). And yes, women do not “feel” the difference between an “emotional orgasm” and the “just” biological reaction of stimulation.

So to all those Cosmo-editors out there, if a woman screams and jumps around in bed, I always think that she might be acting, thanks for that! But you know what, men fake just as good. And there is no way you can prove me wrong.